Zion Genealogical Society of Lake County (Illinois, USA)

Researching Around the World

Including the Neighboring Lake County Communities of:

Beach Park, Gurnee, North Chicago, Park City, Wadsworth, Waukegan, Wildwood, and Winthrop Harbor

Zion Genealogical Society ~ c/o Zion-Benton Public Library ~ 2400 Gabriel Avenue ~ Zion, IL 60099
Website: zgsil.org ~ Facebook: facebook.com/ZionGenealogicalSociety ~ Email: ziongenealogy@gmail.com

Zion Genealogical Society General Meeting

January 20, 2025

Start time: 7:01 PM


Vicki Matteson introduced Scott Norrick, our speaker for this meeting. Scott researched his ancestral past for 30 years. Although Scotland is his area of focus, he has also researched England, Germany and Ireland. His presentation for this evening is "Scottish Immigration to America"


The Scots and Scots Irish were some of the later immigrants to America. hey first immigrated to Ulster, Ireland and other parts of Europe in the early 1600s, while others were making their way here. Some were sent to America as prisoners of war. Less than 10 thousand tried unsuccessful colonization attempts to Nova Scotia, Stuart’s Town, South Carolina, East New Jersey and the Isthmus of Panama.

In the 1700s this all changed, due to politics, economics and wars, which brought hundreds of thousands of Scottish immigrants to America.

In the 1800s many educated and skilled Lowland Scots sought better employment opportunities in America. More Highlanders were forced to leave due to forced evictions and a cholera epidemic.

The Scots and Scots Irish came for economic, political and religious tolerance reasons. They influenced American education, religion (Presbyterianism), food and drink (whiskey and bourbon) and music (contributors to the origin of blue grass). old

Some well-known Scots are Daniel Boone, Andrew Jackson, Davy Crockett, Alexander Graham Bell, and many more.

Scott Norrick welcomes questions. Contact him at scott@ancestralpast.com
His website is ancestralpast.com.


Our president, Joanne Layne, opened the meeting at 8:05.

She reminded everyone about the March 15th special meeting and asked for volunteers and donations of soda and water. We expect about 40 to attend.

  1. There will be three speakers
  1. Registration, for this metting, at the library is now open.
  2. The Northern Illinois Conference with McHenry Genealogical society will be on July 12, 2025 at the McHenry County Collage. We are co-sponsors and will contribute $250 toward the conference. We also need volunteers to donate prizes for the drawings.
  3. The newsletter will be out soon.

No Treasurer’s Report

Meeting ended at 8:17 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted
Gail Dever
ZGS Secretary

Updated February 13, 2025