The Lakeside Annual Directory of the City of Chicago, 1901, published by The Chicago Directory Company,
        Chicago, Reuben H. Connelley, Compiler. The center column of page 573 contains the following infonnation regarding the Christian Catholic Church which Dr. Dowie founded.
        John Alex. Dowie, General Overseer, Christian Catholic Church, Headquarters' Offices, Michigan Ave. and
        Twelfth St.
        1. ZION BUILDING, 1201 - 1207 Michigan Ave., Containing the following offices:
              I. Offices of Christian Catholic Church:
                  A. Office of General Overseer of Christian Catholic Church in Zion, Rev. John Alexander Dowie.
                  B. Office of Overseer for Women's Work in Zion, Rev. Jane Dowie.
                  C. Office of Overseer- at-Large, Rev. Wm. Hamner Piper.
                  D. Office of Overseer for Chicago, Rev. John G. Speicher.
                  E. Office of General Recorder, Deacon Edgar S. Anderson.
                  F. Office of Recorder of Seventies, Deacon Abraham F. Lee.
II. Offices of Financial and Business Institutions in Zion: -~~.c=,- "",c
A. Zion City Bank.
                  B. Zion Land and Investment Association.
                  C. Zion Lace Industries.
                  D. Zion City Lumber Association
                  E. Zion City Planing Mills.
                  F. Zion City General Stores.
                  G. Zion Mail Order Department
                  H. General Financial Manager.
                  I. Engineer of Zion City. .~
        2. ZION DIVING HEALING HOME, 1250-1258 Michigan Ave.
        3. ZION COLLEGE AND HOME. 1250-1258 Michiga,n Ave.
        4. ZION CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, 1250-12;;8 Michigan Ave.
        5. ZION JUNIOR SCHOOL, 1250-1258 Michigan Ave.
        6. ZION PRINTING AND PUBLISHING HOUSE, 1300 Michigan Ave.
        7. ZION PUBLISHING HOUSE, 1250-1258 Michigan Ave.
        8. ZION PUBLICATIONS, 1250-1258 Michigan Ave.
             Leaves of Healing, English (Weekly). Leaves of Healing, German (Monthly). Voice of Zion (Monthly).
             The Zion Banner (Weekly).
        9. ZION ORPHANS' HOME, 1306 Michigan Ave.
        10. ZION WORKING GIRLS' HOME, 1306 Michigan Ave.
        11. ZION HOME OF HOPE FOR ERRING WOMEN, 16 & 18 East 16th St.
        12. ZION TABERNACLE (Central), 1621-1633 Michigan Ave.
        13. ZION TABERNACLE (North Side), Cor. Lincoln & Belden Aves.
        14. ZION TABERNACLE (South Side), 6426-6434 Wentworth Ave.
        15. ZION TABERNACLE (West Side), Cor. Madison and Paulina Sts.
        16. ZION TABERNACLE (parkside), 7124 Stony Island Ave.
        17. ZION TABERNACLE (German), 3521 Dearborn St.
        18. ZION TABERNACLE (Sionsky Stan) (Bohemian), 722 West 19th St.
        19. ZION CITY: Forty-two miles from center of Chicago, and midway between Chicago and Milwaukee, on
             C. & N. W. Railway, consists of over ten square miles of land, of which two and one-half miles have a
             frontage on Lake Michigan.
                  Zion Lace Industries and other important factories are being located there. The land will be opened
             for selection on July 15th, 1901, many thousands of lots being already applied for. Zion City will be a
             large residential city, and the headquarters of the General Overseer of the Christian Catholic Church in
             Zion in its three great departments
- ecclesiastical, educational, and commercial - and Zion City Temple
             is being planned to seat 25,000 persons. Its location is a splendid one from every point of view.
